Saturday, December 21, 2013

Low commission rates for Option

Many options traders tend to overlook the effect of commission charges on their overall profit or loss. It's easy to neglect the lowly $15 commission fee when every profitable trade nets you $500 or more. Hey, it's only 3% right?
Let's find out the answer by taking a look at a simple example using bull call spreads.
Suppose you make 10 bull call spread trades, where each trade has a maximum profit of $500 and a maximum loss of $500. Let's say you are a decent trader using a trading system with a win rate of 60%. This means that for every 10 trades you make, 6 are winners while 4 are losers. For simplicity's sake, let's assume that you win or lose the maximum amount for each trade. So, for the 10 trades, your overall profit is ($500 x 6) - ($500 x 4) = $3000 - $2000 = $1000.
Now, when it comes to calculating your trading cost, EVERY SINGLE ONE of your 10 trades will incur commission charges.
Let's say you are using an options broker that charges you a minimum of $15 per leg per trade.
At $15 per leg, entering each of 2-legged bull call spread will require $30. Total commission charges for entering all 10 trades will be $300. That's not all. Don't forget that the profitable bull call spreads will require closing transactions in which you will need to buy/sell-to-close both the call option positions. With 6 profitable trades, that means another $180 in transaction fees. Hence, your total trading cost is $300 + $180 = $480!
That takes away a whopping 48% off your trading profit!
When you implement option strategies with even more legs such as condors and butterflies, the commission charges are even higher.
So, even if you are a skilled trader with a win rate of 70% or more, you are still better off finding a low- commission broker if you are still paying a minimum of $15 per trade. Today, there exist online options brokers that charge as little as $5 per trade while still providing excellent trade execution and user interface. Using the above example, you could have increased your profit from $520 to $840 - or 62%! - simply by switching to a low cost options broker.

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