Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How we made a super gain in Nifty and Equities today

 Below was our calls send to paid customers..

How to get this service?

If you wants to test our calls for 10 trading days , you only need to pay Rs. 500. ie just Rs. 50 per day. You will receive a user id and password for 10 days. Every day morning you will get 4 to 8 trading calls.

We are not giving it free !!

We are serious about your need. Many times free service are ignored by the person himself who was asking the service..So we need a serious approach from you.

Pay Rs. 500 for a 10 days trial. If our calls are making a net negative return in these 10 trading period we will return back your money immediately with out any fuss.

We are 100% certain you’re going to like Excella trader day trading system. We want to make sure that you’re 100% happy with our service, the trading method and  trading experience .

Pay Now Rs. 500 to 

Account details

Name: Brijesh Maniyath Thayyullathik
A/C no : 018101519813 
Account type : Saving A/c
Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch : Kannur

IFSC - ICIC0000181

Start watching our calls for 10 days. Create a model portfolio. If the model portfolio is down by 10 days, You don't need to call us , we will send back your money with out any hassle.

Now look at Nifty ..we could make an entry and exited at first target

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